Thanks for listening to the Ericast! Yes, listening! The underlined program titles below are links to the recorded show.

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Thursday, September 29, 2005

[Ericast Update On-The-Road] 9/29/2005 09:25:27 AM

this is an audio post - click to play

Posted by emlarson to Ericast Update On-The-Road at 9/29/2005 09:25:27 AM

Monday, September 26, 2005

Ericast 30 - "Tastes Like 1983!"

Woo hoo! Episode 30 from! Wow! We celebrate with a brand new sweeper... and not "new" in the sense you might think it's new, but a whole different kind of "new". You'll like it.

From Enhanced AAC to Parma Violets to synesthesia to cumin, this podcast has it all. Really. But since I was informed by my executive producer (a.k.a. "wife") that I should make this one short, I'll skimp on the notes since I didn't skimp on the content.

Do your own Google searches on the topics above and you'll find plenty of good reading.

And don't forget to call 206-339-ERIC (that's 206-339-3742) or e-mail us here at and join the legions of those already contributing to the podcast! Join the crowd! You're missing out!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Ericast 29 - "Podcast Pictures, Revisited"

A hearty "Yo!" and "Word up!" to my dedicated listeners... and my not-so-dedicated ones, who I love just as much and deeply and heart-feltly. (Yeah, I'm running short on sleep.)

Lots of fascinating miscellaneous topics this week, including:

You know, I just realized that I inadvertently reverted to our original show-notes format. Cool!

P.S. Somewhere in there, you'll here my commentary on promiscuous fish. Keep your ears open.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Ericast 28 - "GoDaddy vs. DirectNIC"

One of the luxuries of having no sponsorship for your podcast is that you can talk all you want about the companies that sponsor other podcasts. So, that's what I do here, sharing my personal experience with domain registrars/hosts by comparing DirectNIC (my old standby) to GoDaddy (the new, young buck, metaphorically speaking).

Closing music by Tim Lemmens; don't forget to check out his web site at! (Get the hint?)

Ever wonder what my show notes look like? Here they are, copied-and-pasted verbatim from Notepad. Yes, this is really all I work from; not a letter more... and maybe that doesn't surprise you! Anyway, here's a peek behind-the-scenes:

Directnic vs. GoDaddy
This is the Ericast for the week of September 11, 2005

Podfader - a new term!

.jobs domain?!? $119. Interesting

Daniel Hook mentioned, in the context of the Books discussion, the "world without books" in Farenheigt 451. Haven't read it.

-Only read part of Atlas Shrugged
-Atlas Shrugged recommended by Bill Bloomer

Not sponsored! So I can say anything I want about GoDaddy!

Pressure of Sponsorship?

GoDaddy Hosting:
$3.16 * 12 = $37.92

GoDaddy Domain:

Coupon specials

Thursday, September 08, 2005

[Ericast Update On-The-Road] 9/08/2005 05:16:51 PM

this is an audio post - click to play

Posted by emlarson to Ericast Update On-The-Road at 9/08/2005 05:16:51 PM

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Ericast 27 - "What's My Niche?"

I'm in a race against the clock... well, not with a half-hour to spare, but metaphorically speaking I'm still racing to make sure I get this out before midnight. (Tuesday is "late", but Wednesday would be "way late"!) So, no notes here. Listen to the podcast if you want to hear exciting calls from Rob and Tom, comments from Daniel, clips from an interview with Doug Kaye and moving music from Tim Lemmens.

Wait; does that count as notes?

Visit for the home of this and other equally fine podcasts, and don't forget to call our listener feedback line at 206-339-ERIC (3742). Thanks for listening to the Ericast!