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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Ericast 64 - "COTF, Part 1"

Finally, you get to hear what was behind those mysterious "Ericast Updates" that dropped into the feed this past week! Here's the first part of my presentation at Classrooms of the Future. (If you want to see the sample presentation that I'm talking about, it's available online, as are all my notes and the PowerPoint as well.)

Music this week is a real, genuine full song from Elizabeth Hunnicutt -- entitled "Alright", from her "Finding Me Here" album. What she lacks in spelling phrases like "All Right" she more than makes up for in musical talent. If you like the song, do what I did: buy the CD and support a local artist!

If all goes according to plan, I'll include the rest of the seminar talk in next week's episode. Or maybe stretch it out into two, depending on how I edit it. Let me know what you think -- call 206-339-ERIC (206-339-3742) or e-mail me!


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