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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Ericast 75 - "Audacity and Olympus"

A bit more "utilitarian" podcast this week (not in the philosophical sense -- sorry!) because we're testing out a new Olympus voice recorder, and the editing process within Audacity (rather than Adobe Audition, which is what I usually use).

The final steps of this podcast (compression, hard limiting, normalization and saving to MP3) were still done in Audition, so you have something closer to an "apples-to-apples" comparison. (Though none of this was done on a Macintosh... but I digress).

Let me know what you think! eric at, or 206-339-ERIC!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Ericast 74 - "Maps and Motivation"

Nothing earth-shattering this week; just a discussion of the fact that nobody's interested in creating a contest for themselves (which is okay) and talk about Microsoft Photosynth, which is a really cool app with lots of potential... which means either it will or won't see the light of day.

Questions, problems, worries, concerns or comments? Call 206-339-3742 (which spells out 206-339-ERIC -- cool, huh?) or e-mail eric at! Enjoy!