Ericast 78 - "Analog to Digital"
What I'm not sure I mentioned in the podcast, since it's old news to me but new since the last episode, is that I have a new daughter!!! Chloe Violet was born at the end of last month, which is one more reason (though not the main one, as you'll hear) why I'm behind on (in?) my podcasting.
Let me know if you're still out there listening, or if I managed to drive my listener away with my extended absences.
Welcome to Chloe Violet I didn't know your email so I'm commenting on your dad's blog.
Eric, now is when you wished you read more about time management. Let me save you some time, those time management books are great, but they take a lot of the fun out of being a dad in that they focus on a 24 hour period in order to get things done. I've approached it from a more long term basis, so instead of basing what I do today on what needs to get done, I've looked at it in the following manner, My child is going to be 2 years old (or whatever young age) for 365 days, where will I spend those days? travelling, at work, excerising, where excatly will I be, physically, mentally in relation to where my child will be.
That perspective was enlightening to me. Now the jury is still out and that perspective made me take a bunch of different turns that has impacted me financially, but when I'm 80 (God willing) would I have made the right choice from my child's perspective?
hhhmmmm? time for another cup of coffee. Good luck
Albert Maruggi, at 5:07 AM
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