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Saturday, November 25, 2006

Ericast 79 - "John's 15 Minutes"

This week's episode is dedicated to John O'Neil... a friend-of-a-friend (actually, a "friend of a regular Ericast listener", which is even more special!) John had talked to this particular listener about the whole "15 minutes of fame" concept, and I figured I could do my part to help out a total stranger in his quest to become internationally known (or, at least, known throughout the microphone).

I bet nobody will get that reference.

Anyway, we've got some listener-feedback this week (thanks, guys!!!) and I'm trying to launch a multi-week theme/topic thing on "faith". What does "faith" mean to you? Let me know... or let me know whatever you think on any number of other topics, too. As always, 206-339-ERIC (206-339-3742) or an e-mail to eric at will get you in touch.


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