Thanks for listening to the Ericast! Yes, listening! The underlined program titles below are links to the recorded show.

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ericast 82 - "Returning Some Calls"

Apologies for the way-too-long podcast (clocking in at just over 45 minutes this week!)... but in this episode I'm catching up on all the Ericast Listener Feedback calls that came in since December. I thought about splitting this into a pair of podcasts... but then I realized that I'm probably he only guy who plays podcasts with a device that can't fast-forward. (Anyone else have one that's limited like that? Call in and tell me about it!)

For the rest of you... stop this podcast when you want to, then start it back up and fast-forward to the point you left off. Old technology... but something that even an Realistic tape deck in a '79 Ford Fiesta was capable of, so I bet you can do it as well!

Thanks to everyone -- Dan, Lynn, Paul, Rob and Matt -- who listened and called the past few weeks. Keep it up, and that goes for the rest of you, too! Keep that number active! 206-339-ERIC (a.k.a. 206-339-3742) or the old-fashioned e-mail way of dropping a note to me (eric) at

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Ericast 81 - "Selling a House"

HEY!!! After way, way too long, I'm back... again! If I say that too often, it's going to start to lose its meaning... so let's hope I'm here for good for awhile.

This week's topic is the family stuff that's been keeping me away from podcasting; check out for the site I discuss (which is our initial attempt to sell my parents' house really cheap so they can get on with their lives, get moved into their new place two blocks from us, and avoid forcing a buyer to give a huge donation to a real estate agent).

Also, a huge thanks and mega shout-out word up to the awesome support folks at home of the infamous Ericast listener feedback line (206-339-3742, spelling 206-339-ERIC). My long absence from podcasting was long enough that they made good on their well-publicized promise to kill off unused phone numbers, and that's what they did to mine. But a pleading e-mail to their support was answered more quickly than I think I've ever had a support e-mail answered before, and they gave me my number back! As I said in the e-mail... providing support for a free service must be one of the less-fun things to do; I'm thrilled that they support it as well as they do!

So, use that number and let me know what you think! Call up 206-339-ERIC or send off an e-mail to eric at with any and all thoughts.

CONTEST: Early in the podcast, there's a "mathematical error" -- actually, I mis-spoke and really do know how to do basic math, but that's beside the point. Report what it is to me, and I'll give you credit "on-air" on the next Ericast!