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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Ericast 86 - "Playing with Gcast"

Still no talk about sprinklers... but it's a podcast, back on a "during the workweek" rather than the "buried on the weekend" schedule that the Ericast used to be known (and loved) for.

To celebrate the return to a regular schedle (and to celebrate the discovery of the last of my missing podcast materials, of which this was a part) we feature the infamous "Joann sweeper" early in the podcast. Keep an ear out for it.

Just pondering Gcast this week, and potential uses for it. Any of you out there happen to be Gcast users? Or not? Got any related, or unrelated, thoughts? Share them by dropping me an e-mail (to eric at or, even better, calling our listener feedback line at 206-339-ERIC (which, numerically speaking, is 206-339-3742).

P.S. Matt, just listened to episode #4 (working backwards) and think it's awesome! Keep up the good work - can't wait for you to send me a promo!


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