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Monday, January 12, 2009

Ericast Update From-The-Keyboard

This is just a quick update coming through the old "Ericast Update From The Keyboard" function, which was built on a service by (That's T-A-L-K-R .com, with no 'E'. All the cool Web 2.0 services have to drop out the vowels, right?) From the looks of it, the feeds and the service are still active, which surprises me -- most services like this, rather than getting more popular, have actually disappeared. Here's hoping that this one stays around.

If you know of anything similar -- that is, a web service that takes written text and converts it to a spoken MP3 which can be pulled into a podcast -- let me know. As always, you can drop a note to eric at, or call our listener feedback like at 206-339-3742.

Until next time... take care!

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