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Friday, February 27, 2009

Ericast 102 - "Catching up... Slowly"

No good excuses for why the Ericast is falling behind despite my best intentions; it's just been busy here in the Larson household.

Interesting tidbit: I had my BlackBerry in my shirt pocket during recording, and in at at least one point in the podcast (as I played it back during assembly) I hear the tell-tale "dit-da-dit-dit-da-dit-dit" of cell phone communication. This didn't come through at all during the recording process itself. I'm curious how many other times that happened during the recording; take count, phone in your answer to 206-339-3742, and maybe we can turn it into some kind of contest...

A couple relevant links: for the Beckwith family podcast
Press Release about Siemens wind turbines from Duluth

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ericast 101 - "Moving the Studio"

New year, new milestone, new location! In addition to the Feedburner-to-Google move, the Ericast is coming from a new physical location.

Really, I have to admit, that's about as exciting as this episode gets. So give me a call and feed me some topics! 206-339-3742 (206-339-ERIC for the spelling-inclined) or e-mail me (eric) at