Thanks for listening to the Ericast! Yes, listening! The underlined program titles below are links to the recorded show.

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Get in touch! Send an e-mail to or call 1-701-645-ERIC (3742) and leave a message!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ericast 106 - "An Electric Bike?!?"

The video theme returns (thanks to the positive comments from last week's Dweeb Thoughts premiere!) with this week's discussion of my new "E-Zip 2008 Mountain Trailz Hybrid Electric Bike" (the official bike of the Ericast).

The video version has a few still shots but no action-video of the bike itself. That'll come... eventually. In the meantime, you can bask in the glory of the infinitely improved production values on the video this week (as I learn the features of the software I'm using). Remember, it's all about learning through experimentation, right?

Questions, problems, worries, concerns or comments should be phoned in to 206-339-ERIC, which is easy to punch in to your Blackberry thanks to Digital Dan's tip that you get to hear this week! Dial 206-339-3742 if you didn't pay attention. Or, keep things simple and e-mail me (eric) at and we'll handle the conversation in the old-fashioned printed way.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ericast 105 - "Moving to Video!"

Celebrating 4 years! Happy Birthday to the Ericast! Send belated birthday greetings to us by calling 206-339-3742 (a.k.a. "206-339-ERIC") or e-mail me ("eric") at

How are we celebrating? With... VIDEO! Be sure to watch all the way to the end to spot the special family cameo.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Ericast 104 - "Remembering Our Past"

I think that most of you will never have heard this before. ("never will have heard"? "will have never heard"?... whatever...) This "very special episode" of the Ericast will lend a little bit of perspective to a lot of things.

Or, it'll be nothing but a little bit of interesting trivia.

Questions? Comments? Worries? Call 206-339-3742 (a.k.a. "206-339-ERIC") or e-mail me ("eric") at

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Ericast 103 - "Revisiting Leadership Again"

Discussing the old "leadership" topic that used to be a favorite of the Ericast. What do you think? Are "leaders" "better" people? 206-339-3742 (206-339-ERIC for the phone-spelling inclined) is your place to leave a message and tell us what you think. (That's the "majestic We" there -- there's really no "us"... it's just "me".)

We (there I go again) also briefly discuss the Altamont Pass Wind Farm and the fate/function of sites like Everyzing.

Note that the Leadership interview is from EDUCAUSE, and you can find the unedited video on the web as well (look for the EDUPUNK Battle Royale at that link).

Speaking of, let me know what you think of the "edupunk" concept. As someone who was home educated through my junior high and high school years (and was in a small Montessori school before that) it rings true to me... but I'd like to hear your opinions before I start pontificating on the topic.

I close the show with a reminder that next week is a "very special episode" of the Ericast. What might it be? Tune in next week and find out!