Thanks for listening to the Ericast! Yes, listening! The underlined program titles below are links to the recorded show.

Click a title to listen to a show, or right-click it to save it to your hard drive and play the show from there.

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Get in touch! Send an e-mail to or call 1-701-645-ERIC (3742) and leave a message!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Ericast 116 - "Goodbye to 2009"

Goodbye 2009; Hello 2010! A quick audio-only podcast to wrap up the year, take a call from Jonzer, and let you in on a few things that have been rattling around in my head.

Please do take me up on the request for information on what you, the Ericast listener, want from the podcast in the coming year. I'm happy to make this your own personal niche podcast (though, if lots of people have conflicting desires, the podcast will become as random as I am... but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it).

Calls, as always, should be placed to 206-339-3742 RIGHT NOW - DO IT NOW! (Three kinds of communication: "subliminal, liminal, and superliminal...") Or e-mail me (eric) at

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ericast 115.3: Ericast Update

Yes, another "update" -- when, oh when, am I going to put out a "real" episode? I don't know... but, in the meantime, I'm still playing with the YouTube browser upload options. As you'll hear from this brief episode... it still ain't ready for prime-time.

But, regardless... Merry Christmas! 206-339-ERIC (a.k.a. 206-339-3742) or e-mail me (eric) at with any and all comments. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ericast 115.2 - Ericast Update

I'll admit, this update isn't the "pure, unadulterated" Ericast Update that I had in mind as I recorded it... so head's up that what you're hearing isn't really what a "BT530 to Blackberry 8320" sounds like. But after some work in Adobe Audition with compression and noise reduction, and after pasting the two parts together (you'll find out why when you listen)... here you go.

The two sites I tout (and they're really tout-worthy!) are and (which sponsors Check 'em out!

And let me know what you think -- 206-339-3742 or e-mail me (eric) at Enjoy!

Monday, December 07, 2009

Ericast 115.1: Ericast Update

Just a super-quick update to let you know I'm alive and well. I used YouTube's direct-to-site upload to see how it would work out as a "quick and dirty podcast process"... and it seems to have some hope.

Let me know what you think -- e-mail me (eric) at, or call 206-339-3742 and leave a comment. Enjoy!