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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ericast 124 - Principles, or Particulars?

This week we shift gears to a theological topic: Is something that Jesus said (recorded in Luke 18) a timeless principle that Christians today need to obey, or is it something that was particular to the religious leaders 2000 years ago that we can safely ignore (or outright contradict) today?

I probably manage to offend a few folks in this one... but it's good to stir things up and get everyone thinking, right? Remember to direct the hate-mail or angry commentary to 206-339-3742 (206-339-ERIC) or e-mail me (eric) at

Monday, February 15, 2010

Ericast 123 - The Stockdale Paradox

The title says it all: this week we talk about living out what Jim Collins in Good to Great called "The Stockdale Paradox"

(A day late because we were having some server hiccups yesterday; I didn't want to publish the podcast only to have it unavailable to everyone...)

Call me at 206-339-3742 or write me (eric) at

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Ericast 122 - It's Pronounced feb-U-ary

Tackling a looming Constitutional crisis in America today, this week's Ericast addresses the question of how to pronounce "February".

Share your thoughts! 206-339-3742 (a.k.a. 206-339-ERIC) e-mail me (eric) at, or leave a comment on the blog.