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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ericast 137 - Prayer Inside Time

Two things in this podcast:

1) A freaky synergistic connection to last week's time-warp hometown experience, with this morning's sermon reference from Roger Thompson at Berean Baptist Church regarding the sequential nature of life and how prayer could ever possibly "work" with an omniscient God.

2) Non-stop interruptions from Candela and Chloe including references to lawn mushrooms and Lebanon Hills Regional Park.

Featured word: "Occasionally"

Closing song by Tim Lemmens

As always, comments of any and all sorts (impulsive ones, even!) are a simple phone call away: 206-339-ERIC (a.k.a. 206-339-3742). Or, for the textually inclined, send an e-mail to me (eric) at Or, for the social medians among you, send me something through Twitter or Facebook or LinkedIn.

This week's conversation starters of angels and other supernatural topics are worth a phone call, no matter what your religious or spiritual persuasion!


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