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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ericast 142 - Freaky Helicopter Search

A quick podcast (which, somehow, still ended up being nearly 20 minutes) touching on an interesting local news tidbit -- a boy and his mom lost on bike trails in the woods. Sounds interesting? No? Well, listen and see what you think...

By the way, here's a YouTube video (not mine) of a bike ride on the trails in question. This was shot in springtime a year ago; remember that the brush has had an extra couple months to leaf out, and then imagine being on these trails when it gets pitch dark:

I also promised a link to the TV antenna towers that Chloe and I looked at up in Shoreview. In case you didn't know it already, 1,400 feet is really tall. Really, really tall.

Comments, as always, should be phoned in to 206-339-3742 (a.k.a. 206-339-ERIC) or e-mailed to me (eric) at


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