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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ericast 172 - Ready... To... Roomba!

With the vague hope that Michael Buffer will call in to the listener feedback line at 206-339-3742 and leave a greeting for the Ericast community (rather than sending an attorney after us with charges of violating his wrestling catch-phrase trademark with our vacuum-related parody in the title), here's an episode that focuses entirely on a $10 yard-sale find.

Amazing what this podcast can do for your life, isn't it?

Roombas are cool. They are. I wouldn't pay retail for one... but here's the story of how I didn't.

Questions? Comments? Anything else that Patrick Rhone wouldn't ask for on his extremely cool Enough podcast? Call 206-339-3742 (a.k.a. 206-339-ERIC) or email me (eric) at


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