Comment Spam Inspiration
But "Emma" might just have inspired me to return to the world of podcasting a.s.a.p. with her lovely comment:
I'm so excited to have apparently cornered the British shopping directory market... or, at least, the portion of British shopping directories that include voucher codes (which, when you consider your shopping directory needs, are probably important for the British).Hello there, I was looking for same kind of information what your website have. I kinda like it. Excellent content. Please keep up this good work. Hope to come back again.
British Shopping and voucher code directory
I can just imagine Emma's lilting accent reciting poetic statements like, "I was looking for same kind of information what your website have."
"What your website have" -- how creative! How magical. No need for those "t-words" like "the" or "that" if you have Emma's grace and personality. "I kinda like it too," Emma. I look forward to your next visit; indeed, my good work will continue to be kept up!