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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ericast 181 - A NEW CAR!

Down to the wire in getting the last Ericast of 2011 out-the-door and the rate of speech in this episode betrays that... but, nonetheless, it's an interesting podcast about my new belated Christmas gift to myself in light of the cars I grew up with.

Having run up to the 20 minute mark without any exciting details of the Mercury Sable, you need to call me and encourage me to finish the story: 206-339-ERIC a.k.a. 206-339-3742, or send an email to me (eric) at

See you in 2012!

Oh... and, to whet your appetite about those photos I mention in the podcast... here's a sample:


  • I did not know that you had pictures of the Escort. It is really vintage with its Darwin Ford label and Chautauqua bumper sticker.

    By Blogger Norman Larson, at 7:30 PM  

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