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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ericast 200 - Happy Birthday, Chad!

Click here to listen to this week's episode!

WE MADE IT!  Episode 200!  Which, I guess, doesn't mean a whole lot (isn't it 100 episodes that's the milestone for syndication of a television show?) but, hey, you gotta celebrate what you can while you can, right?

Birthday greetings to Chad this week.  Why?  Because he's a person.  And people are special.  And it was his birthday.

If you want to know more of the context to that, listen to this week's (short) episode.  And if you want to share your own thoughts, call in at 206-339-3742 a.k.a. 203-339-ERIC or email me (eric) at (which people rarely do, so I wonder if that forwarding actually works across all clients and domains; if you've sent me a note and haven't gotten a response, let me know through some other venue so I can troubleshoot that).

Chad already set next week's topic for me.  Do you have any?  Let me know!


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