Thanks for listening to the Ericast! Yes, listening! The underlined program titles below are links to the recorded show.

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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Ericast 213 - She's In Bed

Click here to listen to this week's episode!

This week's title commemorates the fact that I celebrated Easter by staying home with Candela as she fights the fever and headache that Chloe overcame a few days ago... so it's not exactly the Easter tradition that we're used to.  ("He is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed! She's, on the other hand, is in bed fighting a cold...)

But, what better time to buckle down, have some "quality family time," and bang out a podcast?

The Steve Moore interviews that I reference can be found at MusicRadar, City Pages, plus I came across a NSFW video on YouTube that you might want to listen to if you want to hear Steve in-the-flesh.

As promised, it's listener feedback week.  Add your own thoughts and comments by calling 206-339-3742, known alphabetically as 206-339-ERIC, or email me (eric) at

Random technical note on this week's podcast:  I did no compression/limiting on any of the files during the show assembly, but because Tom's call was a little hot (not in the personal sense) I decided to run the final .WAV through the old Levelator app from the Conversations Network, then save that result as the MP3 for the show.  Maybe, just maybe, I've found the perfect workflow?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ericast 212 - Disruptively Disengaged Learning

Click here to listen to this week's episode!

This week I'm talking about a MOOC entitled "Surviving Disruptive Technologies," and the fact that I was emotionally derailed as thanks to an exchange on one of the course videos.

I do worry that my 2013 reflections on MOOCs are going to look like Bryant Gumel's 1994 reflections on the Internet:

So, do you MOOC? Would you like to MOOC one day?  Let me know!  206-339-3742 (also dial-able as 206-339-ERIC) or send an email to me (eric) at  Or, Twitter or Facebook or snail-mail letter to my home address.  Whatever works for you.

P.S.  Yes, the eHarmony Marriage support site really did exist... years ago...  But not anymore.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Ericast 211 - Digitally Re-Abandoning Roadways

Click here to listen to this week's episode!

Not only do we have what might be the longest Ericast title ever (I could probably figure that out, couldn't I?) but we have yet another experiment in the world of Audacity.  Good luck!

(This time, I didn't compress/limit/normalize my audio at all.  No digital processing whatsoever.  But because of that, I cranked the volume of the intro and outro way down so I didn't blow out your eardrums when those came in.)

For this TV sitcom fan, I have the best Tweet of 2013 so far.  Very cool.

And, to the topic at hand, I need to reference the version of the "North Star Highways" site because that site is as dead as the roadways it documented.  Fortunately, EarthLink hasn't used a robots.txt file to block like some domain squatters have.

Questions?  Ideas?  Inspirations?  Call the listener feedback line at 206-339-ERIC (206-339-3742 for the numerically inclined) or email me (eric) at

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ericast 210 - THE Mad Drummer!

Click here to listen to this week's episode!

Ready... Set... Know your meme!  Remember this video?

Well...Guess who I saw last Wednesday?

Yes, it was cool.

(For those who want the information here in the notes rather than the podcast itself, including the search engines that are indexing this, I'm talking about driving 90 minutes north to Grand Casino in Hinckley, Minnesota to see a performance in the temporary home of Silver Seven lounge by the group "Rick K and the Allnighters," which is a great group in general made even more special by the drumming of Steve Moore, who's known as "The Mad Drummer"...)

Personally, my favorite number was "Old Time Rock and Roll" (YouTube video)

"On a podcast technology" note, I'm still using Audacity but tried some "way too heavily compressed" settings, which sounds pretty good, except for one weird artifact in the audio.  Can you detect it?

Anyway, do you have your own YouTube brush-with-fame to share? Or other "I know this shouldn't be considered cool, but IT WAS SO COOL!" kinds of experiences that you're willing to discuss with others?  Let me know:  206-339-3742 (a.k.a. 206-339-ERIC) or email me (eric) at

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Ericast 209 - Chasing The High

Click here to listen to this week's episode!

Looks like I'm back in the groove with two episodes, in a row, just one week apart!  Wow!  Let me know what you think of this week's audio, because I've totally changed my recording model and have switched over to Audacity rather than the usual Adobe Audition, inspired by

So, am I so bent on podcasting as an art and science that I'm really chasing the "high" of new recording software?  Well... yes.  But, more importantly, I'm also thinking back on this experience:

Chloe at the base of a windmill in Iowa , 2012

Intrigued? Listen to the podcast, then call 206-339-3742 (a.k.a. 206-339-ERIC) or email me (eric) at  Share your thoughts!

Referenced stuff: