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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ericast 210 - THE Mad Drummer!

Click here to listen to this week's episode!

Ready... Set... Know your meme!  Remember this video?

Well...Guess who I saw last Wednesday?

Yes, it was cool.

(For those who want the information here in the notes rather than the podcast itself, including the search engines that are indexing this, I'm talking about driving 90 minutes north to Grand Casino in Hinckley, Minnesota to see a performance in the temporary home of Silver Seven lounge by the group "Rick K and the Allnighters," which is a great group in general made even more special by the drumming of Steve Moore, who's known as "The Mad Drummer"...)

Personally, my favorite number was "Old Time Rock and Roll" (YouTube video)

"On a podcast technology" note, I'm still using Audacity but tried some "way too heavily compressed" settings, which sounds pretty good, except for one weird artifact in the audio.  Can you detect it?

Anyway, do you have your own YouTube brush-with-fame to share? Or other "I know this shouldn't be considered cool, but IT WAS SO COOL!" kinds of experiences that you're willing to discuss with others?  Let me know:  206-339-3742 (a.k.a. 206-339-ERIC) or email me (eric) at


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