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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Ericast 233 - Holiday Train Catch-up

Click here to listen to this week's episode!

What better way to celebrate the coming of Christmas than by watching a train-based concert in the cold?  Well, actually, I suppose there are lots of different ways and some of them might be better (or, at least, more theologically relevant to the season) but nonetheless we had a spectacular time in Hastings, Minnesota watching The Claytones perform this month.

Someone else was in the crowd recording the performance, so if you want some context of what I'm talking about, you can find some videos on YouTube:
Canadian Pacific 2013 Holiday Train Hastings, MN 12/12/13 HD
(arrival and departure)

Willy Porter Canadian Pacific Holiday Train Hastings, MN 12/12/13 HD

And one more that gives an idea of what it looks like as it travels across the countryside:

The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train 2013
(scenes from Canada)
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