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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Ericast 253 - Searching for Bre

What happens when your friends lose, and then find, someone they love? Find out. Here's your show.

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Coming in under the wire for this week, but still on the calendar!

Full disclosure:  I don't like this episode.  It's bumbling.  It's awkward.  But it's a topic that ought to be discussed, and I'm not going to let my lack of eloquence keep us from starting the conversation.

That's what I mean by "Find out." Period.  Find out how these things unfold now, before you need to know.

This week's topic began with a tweet from Kate-Madonna Hines.  While we disagree pretty passionately on abortion and the work of Planned Parenthood, I trust her judgment and ethics. She'd fall into the category of one of my personal "thought leaders" over the years.

In the process, I Twitter-met Alison Feigh.  (Word-of-the-week transforms into Name-of-the-week:  Would it be "FEE," or "f-EYE"?)  Alison Feigh serves as the program coordinator at the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center, a program of the National Child Protection Training Center.

When dealing with a missing person, where do you go?  Twitter.  Facebook.  Whisper (where, it turns out, someone said he used to know her).  And then, go back to spread the good news that she's been found.


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